“The use of Bioinformatics to answer biological questions and hypotheses.”
Every Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) project ends with the interpretation of the sequencing data. Rigorous bioinformatics analysis is an essential step in translating the sequence of billions of nucleotides to meaningful results.
“Find the story in your data.”
“Bioinformatics is a discipline that combines biology, computer science and information technology to drive the analysis of a large amount of data associated with your NGS project and to find answers to biological questions and hypotheses. It empowers scientists to find the story in their data”, explains Dr. Thomas Chin-A-Woeng, Manager Bioinformatics at GenomeScan. He continues, “Many scientists are comfortable with sample preparation and sequencing, but encounter difficulties with the bioinformatics portion of their workflow”.
“We have spent many hours understanding the properties of sequencing data.“
GenomeScan has expertise in extracting genuine insights from this large set of data. Among the team, we have specialists who truly understand the complexity of a genome, work with challenging sections such as repetitive sequences, and tie sequence variations to healthy or disease phenotypes. In consultation with you, we use this practical know-how for providing comprehensive advice to answer your biological questions and hypotheses. “However, properly understanding and interpreting the data depends on the quality of your algorithms”, says Thomas. “Upon request, we perform in depth mining of your dataset using both public and proprietary pipelines.”
We are able to develop optimized algorithms up to date with recent genetic discoveries both because we have an experienced team and we are part of an academical network. “We have spent many hours understanding the properties of sequencing data and how to interpret them” adds Thomas.
The synthesis and interpretation of your data into a concise report is essential for you to decide on the next step. GenomeScan operates under ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 15189 to guarantee your report relies on consistence and quality, validated analysis, reproducible results and data integrity. The report contains results, key findings and guidance to determine biological relevance and actionability. The report helps you to make an educated decision.
For all kinds of projects from diagnostics to agricultural improvements and from fundamental research to drug development, we always work on ways to offer you the most valuable advise and bioinformatic approach to answer your research questions and hypotheses.