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GenomeScan’s activities during this unprecedent Coronavirus crisis

GenomeScan is first and foremost concerned with the health of its staff, community and the larger public. The current coronavirus situation is new and quite challenging for all of us. In this moment, at GenomeScan, we are committed to keeping our employees, customers and suppliers safe, while still offering the best possible service. Here are a few important things that we would like to let you know.

Our precautions

As accredited laboratory, we are required to provide you with adequate quality assurance and risk management procedures. The company leadership team, together with its stakeholders, regularly monitors the developments regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) around the country. We are closely following the advice of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) to stay healthy and to help slow the spread of the virus.

corona working conditions Coronavirus precautions at GenomeScanwashing hands Coronavirus precautions at GenomeScan

Our employees and colleagues

Our colleagues are central to our success and we are doing everything we can to support them at this time. In addition to our stringent quality system (ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 15189), we have taken precautionary measures to prevent further spread of COVID-19 so that they can work in a safe environment.

  • Whenever possible, we have shifted to a work from home model
  • Social distancing measures are advised in day to day work (spending no more than 15 minutes with colleagues and talking to someone within a 2-meters distance)
  • To minimize the risk of infection as far as possible, frequently cleaning of hands with soap and water is required
  • Alcohol-based sanitizer is used to regularly clean high-touch surfaces (door handles, sockets, instruments, electronics, etc.)

Four people in the lab banner 1024x283 Coronavirus precautions at GenomeScan

Our services

Our laboratory is operating at normal capacity. We understand that some of you may not or cannot access their research facilities because of restrictive measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Outsourcing your Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) project to GenomeScan might be the most effective way to remain focused on achieving your research goals. Our Customer Support team is more than happy to discuss your specific needs and prepare a work plan. Do not hesitate to contact them at or +31 (0)71 568 1050.

Making the difference

Currently, our healthcare system endures unprecedented stress and scientists are working very hard to provide all the tools to diagnose and defeat the disease. As we work with you to keep our community healthy and safe, we believe in the power of teamwork and sharing knowledge.

We express the hope that the situation will progressively go back to normal. Please make sure that you are giving the appropriate attention to your health and that of your family.

For an overview of related news at GenomeScan, please visit our coronavirus updates page.

Thank you for your continued trust in GenomeScan.

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