NovaSeq – the latest genome sequencing technology

The introduction of the Novaseq™ 6000 has made sequencing faster and more attractively priced than ever before.The NovaSeq™ 6000’s benefits apply to all genetic studies. The instrument helps to generate more data in less time, which is especially valuable for medical specialists who urgently await their test results.

Genomics is a rapidly growing and evolving field and we pride ourselves in being able to offer the latest technologies to our customers. Our recent acquisition of Illumina’s most powerful sequencer to-date, aids our customers to study the genetic links between health and disease at an unprecedented scale. The Novaseq 6000 can process three times as many samples as its predecessor while cutting the time required to analyze a project, with a third. The largest flow cell, the S4, can decode the entire exome of up to 300 patients simultaneously. The NovaSeq allows us to also analyze full genomes in record time from any species, from humans to plants, bacteria and viruses.

Dr. Peter Belt, CEO of GenomeScan says, “with the NovaSeq we can considerably increase the number of projects we perform for our customers. We are the first service provider in Western-Europe to offer genetic analysis on the NovaSeq under ISO 17025 accreditation. It fits with our strategy to offer a broad range of the latest technologies in RNA and DNA analysis.”

novaseq rendering right Genomics with NovaSeq 6000