The PacBio RS II allows ultra-long read sequencing, unmatched by other sequencing instruments. The Single Molecule Real Time (SMRT) features allow the generation of long reads, sequence GC-rich regions and repeats with high accuracy in circular consensus sequencing mode.

The PacBio RS II is ideal for de novo sequencing of small genomes and structural variation characterization.


  • Ultra long reads (≥ 5 kb)
  • Random error occurrence (easy filtering)
  • No GC bias
  • Unique in detecting base modifications

Technology Background
The major feature of this sequencer is the ability to produce ultra-long reads of over on average 5000 bases. Other leading NGS technologies generate relative short reads and therefore are not as equipped to characterize structural variations or repeat regions. Accuracy can be obtained via circular consensus sequencing (CCS), in which the DNA loop is read multiple times. Furthermore, the minimal GC-bias provides a balanced coverage.

Why choose PacBio at GenomeScan:

  • Closure of incomplete genome assemblies, especially for polyploids
  • Reducing number of contigs and scaffolding
  • Accurate characterization of large structural variations
  • Sequencing repeat regions
  • Unbiased and balanced genome coverage with minimal GC bias

Custom solutions
We offer custom solutions such as the combination of HiSeq and PacBio sequencing. This option is ideal for de novo assemblies where the long PacBio reads serve as a reference to align the smaller but more accurate HiSeq reads too. We successfully applied this method for notoriously difficult genomes such as the polyploid genome of the onion.

pacbio rs PacBio Long Read Sequencing
fragement PacBio Long Read Sequencing
Fragment Analyzer traces; in black input gDNA, in blue 20kb fragmented sample and in red after Blue-Pippin size selection.